Thursday, January 8, 2009

Play With My Emotions, Not My Money...

I work around Wall Street and lets just say I'm glad these fat useless business men didn't start jumping out their windows cuz of this ruined economy. We're a long way from the 1930's, but back then they took shit more seriously that they would actually end their life when stressed enough or faced with a 180 degree about face with their finances.

We can't forget to thank former President George W. Bush and his buddies for setting the stage for this mess and handing President-elect Barack Obama with a nice pile of economic bullshit wrapped in a cute little bow.

As with anything that happens in the world; things will come out of this blunder that will of course strengthen the economy for years to come.

I guess sometimes you do need greedy selfish idiots in charge to really effect positive change for the rest of us. Times are changing and I hope this habit the U.S. has changes with it.



Malika said...

what kills me is that these folks act like they don't care when poor people start losing money. they forget that when poor people don't have money to buy their products they lose money too. i hope all of these ignorant selfish bastards kill themselves.

Bombchell said...

wow didnt know they did that

BlackGirlNameBev said...

I hope that the economy does bounce back soon.

Milly said...

Most of these business men arent jumping out the window anymore because their good friend Dubya left them some free money because he left office.

And most of them decided to put that money to good use and spend thousands on spa retreats