Thursday, January 8, 2009

Play With My Emotions, Not My Money...

I work around Wall Street and lets just say I'm glad these fat useless business men didn't start jumping out their windows cuz of this ruined economy. We're a long way from the 1930's, but back then they took shit more seriously that they would actually end their life when stressed enough or faced with a 180 degree about face with their finances.

We can't forget to thank former President George W. Bush and his buddies for setting the stage for this mess and handing President-elect Barack Obama with a nice pile of economic bullshit wrapped in a cute little bow.

As with anything that happens in the world; things will come out of this blunder that will of course strengthen the economy for years to come.

I guess sometimes you do need greedy selfish idiots in charge to really effect positive change for the rest of us. Times are changing and I hope this habit the U.S. has changes with it.