Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rest In Peace Buddy

For my own personal reasons comedy is very important in my life and well its very good for the soul; I believe that whole heartedly.

Last week George Carlin died. If you never experienced his stand up comedy then you're missing out on the best laughs of your life.

If you're wondering the picture above is his 1972 arrest photo because at the 1972 Milwaukee Summerfest he was charged with violating the obscenity laws for preforming his classic "Seven Words You Can't Say On T.V."

Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, Tits.

— George Carlin

Another classic joke that keeps me laughing:

The very existence of flame throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, 'You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.'

— George Carlin

For a history of George Carlin along with a list of his comedy albums and shows please visit his wiki page:


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna find you Bronx, and fuck your brains out. You crack me up over there on RWS. My pussy be wet looking at your lips imagining them licking me.

Peachizz said...

^^^ WoW
All I have to say is anyone in 2008 talking like this WOW..

Peachizz said...

I did't know he died..OMG.. This is the guy with the reciding hair line, and the pony tail.. RIP..

BronxStateOfMind said...

Yea and funny shit is my ex got mad at me about that THIS MONTH and i never responded or ever heard from that person other than what they posted here back then. So i'm like WTF??

Shit is i have a ring on my finger so i NEVER CHEATED, LIED, GAVE MY HEART TO SOMEONE OR DID SNEAKY SHIT BEHIND HER BACK DURING OUR SHIT STORM ... even when shit like that would cross my path face to face i would pass on it, but i cant control how people think. All i can do is speak the truth and hope they believe me.