Thursday, March 25, 2010

Well Now I'm Intrigued

*Sober Note: This was in January and haven't had the chance to post it until now;  kinda wondering if I should type shit when i'm drunk...

Just left my company party; since it's a small firm the party is small and held later past December.  It's weird how my whole body acts when filled with at least 3 very strong drinks, food and god knows what else, I'm bumpin' my music ridin the 5 train and my mind is numb, racing and just.....what I would normally be, but faster, more numb......focused but spread out like if it wasn't me; I would be scatter brained with incoherinent thought.  I must admit typing this on a palm pre is making this hard.  Moving on....the first thing is how alcohol tears down the curtain of reserve you keep for yourself when you are sober, everyone knows this.  Mind you I'm not a sloppy drunk just an honest one.

I'm loving how I'm feeling right now since I don't do this everyday, while late at night traveling the trains telling the teenage kid I don't want chocolates he's selling late at night on the nyc train cuz he's trying to stay out of trouble while I think he should be in bed kissed by his parents, while he wakes in his dream world of how his imagination shoud show him how his future should welcome him with something wonderful rather than awake in a world of pain and disapointment.

The life I feel is limiting me, can be heaven to someone else; how uneven is that shit??

Transferring to the 6 right now @ 125th Street watching the late night workers going home, watching the slags staying warm till the new sun of the new day comes.....seeing the love between two hearts trying to beat to the stress pressure that is this city; love is the rare element that few are enriched with.

Almost home, I'm in my home, the BX on the trusty, rusty 6.  Life is good.


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