Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When Peddling Insurance Goes Wrong

Is this the Geico Gekko final moments?

Unconfirmed reports state that while on his tireless mission to promote his companies insurance awareness the Geico Gekko ran afoul of a potential customer Sammy The Spider.

When questioned by the police Sammy gave the accounts of the moments leading up to the attack and subsequent death of Geico Gekko.

When asking the spider "Oy, good chap how about insuring that web of yours mate"

The spider replied "why would i, when it comes out of my butt; if it gets wrecked i can just rebuild after a good meal"

The Gekko kept pushing the issue "but, mate you have to check the rate and you'll still have money left over for some good fish & chips or maybe a swig from a pint; 15 minutes could save you 15% or more!"

The spider looking agitated "you know i'm a spider, right? Look i'm starting to get hungry so if you're not out of here we're gonna have a problem"

A fight ensues when the Gekko refuses to leave and a passer by happens to take a snap shot once the fight was over. It is still unclear if the fight was self defense or cold blooded murder.

Authorities are now looking into the matter and a family representative ask the privacy of the Gekko's family be respected. He leaves behind a wife and 10 children.


GP said...

ROTFLMAO...that is the funniest shit I've read all day...however, that pic is fucking gross...i HATE spiders...

achoiceofweapons said...

I know it's wrong but I side with the spider! LOL

Anonymous said...

ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLL...Bronx u are a fewwwwwl