Tuesday, September 9, 2008

For All You Mouth Breathers

I was on the train today and i noticed a few people breathing through their mouth. Its not like i'm against it....if you have to do it for some reason then by all means.

Thing is when you really think at how your body work you really should breath through your nose. Your nose is the bodies natural air filter. How you ask?

Hair and mucus.

Both trap a lot of particles in the air we breath while nasal cavity helps constantly push out the mucus out of your nose where the particle land and get stuck. Then once and a while you have to pick/blow it out of your nose.

If you've ever been in a brightly lit area and you see little things floating in the air imagine what you dont see and understand you are breathing that into your body.

No you don't have to be scared if you're a hypochondriac, but pay mind to and understands what goes into your body and what comes out. It can save you a lot of downtime from being sick or run down in general; sometimes feeling shitty isn't a mind state it can be a physical cause.



Anonymous said...

wow!!! what a perfect picture for this story. she sure has a nose on her.

GP said...

Yes I blow my nose every morning and at night before I go to bed every night...get all that nasty shit outta there...love the pic

Anonymous said...

hahah i did in mines lol

Anonymous said...

ok, so everybody has a blog space now??? do you get paid for doing this??

BronxStateOfMind said...

No its good for you if you're the type that needs an outlet for your thoughts/feelings/etc.

People can get paid for it, but i don't do it for that.